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How to teach children to save electricity at home

If small gestures do not serve to stop the climate change because companies and the rich contaminate what you do in several lives, then the efforts you make at home without family collaboration are also worth nothing.

The idea of ​​fighting against emissions is collective, and that is why when we recycle garbage but our neighbor does not, we lose capacity for action. The same happens with the topic of electricity ; whether for environmental ethics or simply money.

  • Books to learn how to save energy 

If at home you are the only one who turns off the lights all day, at the end of the month you will see how all the efforts you have made are not reflected in the bill. Why are we telling all this? For the little ones in the house .

They learn from us and therefore multiply the negative and positive effects of our actions. If you’re a hatchet efficiency with appliances, your child will probably be too in the medium and long term.

The question is how to achieve that. Is what they teach you in school enough? The reality is no. That is why in this article we want to explain how to teach children to save energy ; from the most basic to the most complex and in more advanced ages.

Ways to save energy for children: it’s not work, but play

The question is not what but how. The little ones do not understand the causal implications to such a great magnitude of the energy consumption and that is why it is useless for you to explain to them the seriousness of the climate crisis. What is the solution?

A good way to raise awareness and engage is to think of games to teach children to save energy ; turn boring explanations or daily “homework” into fun activities. They are worth both known and invented.

The goal here is for you to think of games that adapt both to the reality of your home and to the clearest savings needs . The list is almost endless but here are some ideas.

Make it a guardian

Make him believe that he is the great savior of electricity and that he must ensure that all devices that are not being used remain turned off. You will be giving him a goal that he can easily stick to and he will feel responsible.

Boy Scouts

Bring wilderness survival into your home. Generates game dynamics by turning off the lights and forcing the children to use flashlights and other strategies to achieve certain objectives. They will associate the lights on with accessories and not needs.

bike sundays

Instilling in children a passion for cycling goes beyond particular taste. Create playful and familiar routines around this transport and the little one will end up associating it with happy moments. In the long term, the goal is prefer the bike to other means of transport.

recycling basketball

Cube colors not working? Turn the trash can into a basket and play basketball with your child while he learns to recycle . The bond in the future will thus be positive.

Saving Olympics

There is no better way to teach children to save energy than by challenging them to do better . Place a clipboard in the bathroom and record the time it takes to shower or wash your hands with a stopwatch. It will try to improve it by saving water.

How to teach children to save energy as a family

Teach him that the obligation to save energy is not a particular punishment; that everyone at home also does it and, most important of all, that it is “normal “. Come on, it is not a special activity or a utilitarian tool.

That’s why it’s important that if you order him to turn off the lights,do not waste water and keep the windows closed, also involve the rest of the family and include yourself in these activities. The child will adopt the habits that he understands are normal and will internalize them.

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