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 Water Pumps, Hoses & Fittings – Your Guide to Water Pressure & More

On the face of it, a water pump is designed to do one simple task – move large quantities of water or other liquids from one place to another. Finding the right water pump, along with hose and fittings, for yourself can be an intimidating task, especially given the various types of pumps available for specialised uses. There are a plethora of applications where a water pump would come in handy, and even be essential, and understanding the right pump to get is key. On top of that, it is also good to know the accessories you may need, like hoses and fittings.

What Is the Use of a Water Pump?

Water pumps are important machines to have for all kinds of applications, whether domestic, commercial, residential or agricultural, and play a critical role in getting certain jobs done. Some of the common uses of a water pump are:

Water Transfer

The main function of a water pump is to transfer water from Point A to Point B, or to get rid of excess water from an area. This could be to remove water from a flooded area, to drain and fill a pool or small dam, to move wastewater in sewage treatment plants, and so much more.


Another crucial and common use of a water pump is to aid in firefighting, especially on a domestic scale. Firefighter pumps boost the water pressure in your system and deliver the amount of water needed, which is especially important when the tank your system is connected to lacks the desired pressure. Australia is no stranger to the perils of a bushfire, particularly in the hotter and drier months, so having a water pump handy can help avoid a lot of potential damage that a fire could cause.


Water pumps have many uses in an agricultural setting, since water is one of the biggest necessities in farming. Whether it is to transfer water from bore wells, ponds or rivers to a storage facility, like a water tank or irrigation system, or whether it is for the actual irrigation process itself, a good water pump can do it all.

 Other Uses

While the above-mentioned applications are the primary and most common functions of a water pump, some other instances it could be used in are for cleaning purposes, like cleaning your car or hosing down an area. A water pump can also be used when on the road or out camping, or even for something like gold sluicing. The possibilities are endless when it comes to using a water pump.

Accessories You Need With Your Water Pump

Knowing the accessories available, and the ones you might need, is essential, whether you are using a water pump for the first time or have been doing it for years. Having the right accessories on hand can make your job that much easier, and often, accessories are important for specialised jobs or uses you may need a water pump for. Here are some of the most commonly uses accessories with water pumps:

Hose Kits

No matter what the application might be, you need at least one hose to attach to your water pump. In some cases, you might need multiple hoses, like when you are transferring water from one place to another. Having a hose kit comes in handy as it gives you hoses of different lengths. You can also have multiple hoses if you have different applications for the same water pump. As such, having a variety of hoses improves the versatility of your water pump in a cost-effective way, and gives you more flexibility as well.


When pumping water is involved, there is the potential for pumping contaminated water too. Flood water and sewage water comes with a lot of debris that could end up clogging or damaging your water pump, if it is not designed specifically for dealing with contaminated water. Attaching a strainer to your water pump will ensure that any contaminants are caught before getting a chance to enter the inner mechanisms of the pump.


A nozzle is a quick-fix accessory that makes it easy to directly aim where you want the water to be. Attaching a nozzle helps you control the flow of the water coming out of your pump too.

 Wheel Kits

A wheel kit does exactly what it says on the label: it helps move your water pump from one place to another without you exerting too much effort or taking too much time. It costs less than a trolley or truck, and attaches directly to your water pump, so you can haul it around with ease.

 How Much Water Pressure Do You Need?

How much water pressure you need from your water pump depends on the application you want to use it for. To understand the technical side of it, you need to understand two terms you will commonly hear when talking about water pumps: flow rate and maximum head pressure.

Flow rate refers to the volume of water that is pumped over a period of time; this is generally in litres per minute. Maximum head pressure is the total pressure the pump can build up in metres. For example, a water pump with a maximum head pressure of 40 should be able to shoot water 40 metres into the air, which equates to 400 kilopascals or kPa. The pressure can be calculated by multiplying the maximum head by 1.42 and is measured in PSI (Pounds per Square Inch). So, a water pump with a maximum head of 40 would have a pressure of 56.8PSI.

Do note that adding pipes, valves, hoses or anything that obstructs the flow of water would increase the pressure but reduce the flow. Choosing a water pump comes down to how much volume of water you want to pump at how high a pressure. A regular garden hose has a pressure of 30–40 PSI, but if you want a water pump for firefighting, irrigation or cleaning purposes, you will want something around 100 PSI or above.

For domestic uses, a flow rate ranging from 200 LPM to 1000 LPM would suffice. If the maximum head of your pump is 50, your flow rate would be zero at 50 metres, so it is also important to consider the difference in height between your pump and where you would be pumping the water. For commercial uses, you would need a much stronger pump with a higher flow rate and pressure.

 Maintenance of Water Pumps and Fittings

As with any machine or device, a water pump would operate at its best when it is in good condition, without any issues getting in the way of performance. So, here are some tips to ensure your water pump remains free from issues and can function efficiently whenever you need it:

  • Periodically check the physical condition of the pump, including parts like valves, impellers, seals and bearings.
  • Assess the conditions of any pipes, and any accessories, like hoses, nozzles, and other fittings, for any issues or damage.
  • If you do notice a part or component that needs repairing or replacing, do not delay doing so.
  • Watch out for any debris or waste that may make its way into the inner mechanisms of your water pump, unless it is specifically designed for handling wastewater.
  • Put the water pump away in a safe place, like a shed, away from the elements to ensure its longevity.
  • Make sure your water pump is properly powered, whether that be through an electric source, a battery, or keeping fuel on hand like petrol or gasoline.

Buy Water Pumps, Hoses and Fittings in Australia

If you are a homeowner in Australia, having a water pump is a necessity. With the vast applications it can be used for, a water pump is a great investment for all cleaning, gardening and water transfer needs, and even for emergencies, like putting out fires. At Jono & Johno, we have a wide range of water pumps and accessories for you to choose from, including electric and petrol-powered options, so you can be sure of finding the right product for yourself based on your requirements. We have years of experience dealing with products in this space, and therefore understand your needs.

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